Tag Archives: Brian Hawkins

Sneak Peak of Issue 2: The Coldest Winter Ever!

Image As the month of January comes to a close, most people on the East Coast have been dealing with what meteorologists have deemed some of the coldest temperatures in twenty years. Well, sounds a like a perfect time to wrap up in blankets, sip on some hot chocolate, and get caught up on some long overdue reading… I for one have definitely enjoyed such a time, but in addition to my catching up on reading, my co-creator and I have been ramping up for the release of issue two of our serial comic thriller, I Am Michael Watcher, due out on Feb. 25th to some Virginia stores, but worldwide via the internet and in digital versions. It seems almost fitting to be releasing this title during the winter months because mysteries and thrillers can carry a kind of coldness to them that chills to the very bone of an individual’s humanity if embarked upon with a certain lure for discovering the unknown. I Am Michael Watcher as a series is designed just for that – the lure of the unknown – and as readers crack open issue two (or if you’re on a digital version – scroll or glide) they will discover that the darkness that covers the light is analogous to the secrets that hide the truth.

Without giving too much away, issue two of I Am Michael Watcher takes [us] deeper into Luqas’ world as he tries to fitfully reclaim his life after being missing for two weeks and reassert himself into the lives of the people that he left behind without knowing why or how he came to be missing for that period of time. Issue Two is the beginning of this journey and what Luqas finds out is that in two weeks a lot of things have changed.

If you have NOT read issue one of I Am Michael Watcher please email the creators at skinnyboystudio@gmail.com for a FREE PDF of issue 1 for a limited time ONLY. Join in on the mystery of WHO IS MICHAEL WATCHER?

Skinny Boy Studios Presents… I Am Michael Watcher Issue # 1

IAMW Skinny Boy cover teaser (1)

Luqas Cohen wakes up with two weeks of his life missing and with no recollection of what happened or where he has been. In addition to the missing time, he discovers that he has a grisly tattoo on his abdomen that reads, “I Am Michael Watcher.” 

Skinny Boy Studios presents its new title, I Am Michael Watcher, a mystery/thriller created and written by Brian Hawkins and co-created and drawn by Charlie S. Alway. The first issue of the title releases on October 30th and is available for print orders now for 2.99 plus shipping. Shipping dates for orders will be the 15th of each month. Go to www.skinnyboystudios.blogspot.com and click on the icon/widget in the tool bar that reads “BUY NOW.” Jump on board now for this new mysteriously dark journey.